Sunday, August 14, 2011

Stepped on a Snake

A few weeks ago my neighbors and I went hiking on the Appalachian Trail near Boonesboro Maryland.  This was no easy feat!  The terrain was rocky and rough.  It was literally hiking along a ridge that was completely shaded but HOT and humid.  The underbrush and forest were so wooded that it there was a breeze it didn't often reach us.  We hiked over rocks and then more rocks--ROCKS were everywhere and there was literally no way to turn them off!  My next door neighbor was the leader of our tiny group--she was so encouraging and patient with me and the other hiker who happened to be her husband.  We hiked slowly but she always waited for us if she couldn't see us when she turned around.  As we were hiking along I stepped on a snake!  Any of you who know me at all will know that I have a paralyzing fear of snakes.  Thankfully this one was dead and my neighbor's husband said it had been dead for about three years but I beg to differ as it was still spongy and snake-looking!  Since that hike I've seen three more snakes--I ran over one near our neighborhood as the poor thing was trying to cross the road one evening (honestly there was no way I could swerve to avoid it), I saw the tail end of a HUGE black snake as it was diving into a corn field on Route 80 near my home and just yesterday there was another snake dead in the middle of the road (and probably stinking to high heaven although I wouldn't have been able to tell with the windows up and the A/C blasting.)  My good friend Kathy said that perhaps the snake siteings are a totem of some sort.  After I dropped her off at her house she emailed me a short time later sending me a few links to snake totem websites.  One site said if a snake crosses your path your creative forces will be awakened and your intuition will sharpen and be more accurate.  You will be moving towards change another site said.  Perhaps my intuition will sharpen in that I will be more watchful of the snake that I fear so much and I will be more accurate where I place my feet and hiking poles!  I am definately moving towards change of some sort and anxiously await the days to come to see what change is coming my way.

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